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No sir. I am white.

May 12 2019

No sir. I am white. My daughters are white. My husband, mother, sister, brother-in-law are white. My best friend is white. You are white.

We do not believe that racism is not a big deal and your ‘statistics’ from fifty years ago do not speak for the white community in 2018.

I live in South Carolina. I’ve never suffered racism but I have seen it. I know how some white folks will give me a knowing smile — a smile that seems to intimate that ‘we have a secret’ when the subject of racism against Blacks comes up.

I don’t share their smile and have made it clear that I do not.

I don’t believe I’m that unusual or particularly progressive in that way.

While it is true that it is vital that everyone, including people of color, examine their minds and hearts and expose their tightly held (and sometimes repressed) ‘beliefs’ up to the light of day it is not true that all Whites are racists or that we believe it is ‘no big deal’.

Pontificate all you like. I won’t argue about ‘many’ whites or even ‘very many’ whites. But I don’t share a hive mind with you or anyone else and I did not give you authority to speak for me or mine.

But congratulations on your leap onto a trending bandwagon, from the applause you’ve received I suspect its rather crowded. Hopefully one of you will make a contribution to defeating racism that requires more than espousing generations old statistics, ego-driven assumptions, and pressing an icon to generate claps.

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